Friday, March 4, 2011

Little Miss Crankypants Goes on a Diet

So I was greeted when I logged in just now with a message telling me this blog was "in the process of being deleted at the request of the user". -Uhm- Oh hells no! So whoever you are, joke's on you, I got it back, and I'm not goin anywhere, mofo!

Anyways, onwards and upwards! So while some of my blog has/will be dedicated to my thoughts on Natural Bodybuilding and competing, some of it is/will also be about my personal journey to the stage- and this is one of those times:

So after 2 failed attempts due to my Celiac Disease, I am finally in the midst of 2011 contest prep dieting. And I am hungry. All you out there in the midst of your prep are either commiserating, or rolling your eyes like 'well what did you expect'.  But give a girl a break, I miss my breakfast carbs.  That said I really have nothing too interesting to report. My weight this week is down, but I never really count the first week's loss being that eating less means less food weight in your stomach, expected drop in water weight, etc. The second week is where the real fat loss starts.

Yesterday was a high carb day for me after three low ones in a row. I bumped myself up to just under 200, up from my low days' ~115g. Being that it was a non training day it meant all of them came in the form of food and not just shakes, so that was a nice bonus. The farther into my diet I get, the less options I get, but early on I try to keep myself from mentally burning out by getting some variety on these days, so long as I hit my macro's and the sources are healthy.

What I ate yesterday:
CARBS:                          PROTEIN:                       FATS:
Sweet Potato Chips         Chicken Breast                 Flax Meal
Rice Cakes                      Beverly UMP                   Almond Butter
FF Hash Browns             Greek Yogurt
Flax Meal
Green Beans
Greek Yogurt

I make a point never to put hard numbers or calories out there, because I cannot emphasize enough how individualized diets are. I mean, yes I may have two clients who have similar body types, even weight and height, but the way their bodies process and respond to things can be completely different, so this in no way means that their diets will be the same.  On top of that, your calories and macros on any diet will be tweaked here and there depending on progress, etc, so just because you lose at one level doesn't mean it'll work all the way til show day.

So in all, this week wasn't too eventful [sorry!]. Being that I'm already very lean, the last 8lbs I have to lose here are going to be slow and steady. But each one will take me that much closer to winning my class. And for those keeping up, I promised I wasn't just going for the experience this time. If I'm going to put myself through this, be tired, hungry, moody and sleep deprived, I better go all the way.

In the meantime, I've got my nose to the grindstone. I'm focused, and I know with so much certainty that this is worth it at the end of the day. After all I've lived through the last 2 seasons, and with all my restrictions and health problems, it really forced me to step back and reassess. At the end of my life, I'd always regret being on the sidelines and never being one of the ones on stage. Regardless of my potential in this sport, I care more about my potential as a person.  I want to do something most people can't, or won't. I want to challenge myself. I want to endue. I want to persevere. And that's what I'll do.

Look out, here I come:)

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